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President & CEO:John F. Gauseo
Indianapolis, IN

In the last five years, Apex Benefits has doubled FTEs and more than doubled top line revenue. The same careful consideration that goes into selecting effective benefits plans for our clients goes into growing our diverse team of experts. Each member of Apex demonstrates an exceptional level of industry knowledge, service and effective decision-making skills in their respective fields; all are part of our ongoing initiative to grow our people, grow our business and exceed client expectations. Apex believes in sustaining an employee culture that promotes professional and personal growth. We built ApexAcademy for continual learning opportunities and invested in offerings like Lessonly & trueU. Our BPTW & pulse survey results are shared with employees; we celebrate our successes and work on making improvements when needed. Since 2003, we’ve remained a desirable place to work. As a recipient of several local and national awards, the value we place on company culture is unparalleled. Our employees remain motivated, passionate and engaged through community efforts and the training/development Apex Benefits provides. Recent awards include: Best Places to Work in Indiana 2011-2021 and Best Places to Work in Insurance 2018-2020 (Best Companies Group); Dave Thomas Foundation – 9th best adoption-friendly small business in the country—multiple years; American Heart Association Silver Recognition 2018, and Bronze award winner in the Workplace Health Achievement program—2016-2017; AchieveWell Recognition from the Indiana Council on Wellness—2014-2015 and Five Star Level Recognition in 2018; and Healthiest Employers of Indiana — 2018-2021. Our employees are smart, fun, diverse and caring individuals who create a family culture at Apex. From recruiting and onboarding, to training and development, we build upon strengths and leverage our expertise to help businesses thrive and families feel valued as we affect change across the healthcare landscape.