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President and CEO:Markham McKnight
Baton Rouge, LA

When people hear “insurance” stereotypical, unflattering adjectives that they have been fed via pop culture spring to mind. While the number of children, teenagers, and even young adults who aspire to a career in insurance may not be on par with other professions, the industry provides tremendous benefits. Working for BXS Insurance is lagniappe. BXS Insurance’s legacy is 139 years strong and began along the banks of the Mississippi River. Our footprint today extends across eight states with 30 offices, but we are licensed to conduct business nationally and internationally. Primarily, our risk management expertise is centered around property and casualty coverage, employee benefits, and surety. As the nation’s fourth largest bank-owned insurance broker, we rank among the top 10 percent of U.S. brokers based on total revenue. Ultimately, we have retained the aspects of being a community-minded insurance partner, but our size allows us to provide our clients leading edge resources that are vital to their success. Although we are certainly a business, our focus is squarely on our employees first. The nature of our business means that when there is a disaster, members of the BXS Insurance family are often right in the middle of it simultaneously as potential victims and as trusted guides to help their neighbors weather whatever the literal or figurative storm may be. In addition to ensuring the safety of our employees during times like these, we mobilize teams to aid in clean-up and repair of our employees’ property if necessary. We love to have fun with one another and each other’s families, and we love to see one another succeed. Our executive team is supportive, communicative, and accessible. In-house seminars and webinars are offered to ensure continuous training and development. Coaching for career advancement is available. In short, BXS Insurance is a best place to work because we care about each other and the communities that we serve.