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President/CEO:Kent B. Shantz
Rockford, IL

In 2021, Rockford Mutual celebrates 125 years of commitment to our community. We have worked to be a regional insurance carrier that people can trust. Our associates trust in our company, our values and our mission. Our leadership team realizes that we must maintain that trust by acting with integrity and following through. We believe our work environment sets us apart – we are friendly, fleixlble, family-oriented and very importantly over the past year, committed to the safety of our associates, agents, insureds and claimants. From our casual dress code to our open door philosophy, RMIC does its best to make everyone who interacts with our people comfortable. This helps elicit teamwork and collaboration among our associates – even in a remote work environment. Our Activity & Wellness Committee hosts a variety of fun and helpful activities – not limited to in-person activities – for all to enjoy. We reinforce the importance of relationships in our industry. Our flexibility can especially be seen during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our associated were allowed (and still are) to work remotely for their own safety and wellbeing, as well as to help balance the need to care for their families. We are committed to giving back to our communities. While we weren't able to volunteer in person at our local rescue mission and schools as we usually do, we took the opportunity to host fundraisers: A food drive for a small-town food pantry, a drive for a local charity, Miss Carly's, which helps provide for the homeless and help addicts into treatment programs. Even with the pandemic, our associates have found ways to give back to those in need. A cash drive was also held for our local rescue mission, generating more than $3,000 for the Rockford Rescue Mission in 2020. Our associates also planted 125 trees donated by the company to the Rockford Park District in honor of 125 of Rockford Mutual!