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NAME: Juliann O’Meara

NEW JOB TITLE: White Plains, New York-based managing partner, Coffey Modica O’Meara LLP

PREVIOUS POSITION: White Plains, New York-based managing partner, Coffey Modica O’Meara LLP

INDUSTRY OUTLOOK: As an insurance defense attorney, I expect to see companies establishing new protocols to mitigate risks that people never thought possible, like COVID-19 and extreme weather due to climate change. Companies and organizations of all kinds are developing new ways to protect their employees and clients, and insurance companies are considering these same factors when underwriting policies. We are at a crossroads. The world has experienced the unthinkable over the past year and half, and there is no going back.

GOALS FOR NEW POSITION: The world has transformed over the past year and a half. Two years ago, I wouldn’t have believed that I would be managing partner of a dog-friendly insurance defense law firm, but I am. In my role, I am focused on creating a post-pandemic firm, where diversity is a foundational tenet and providing a nurturing, trusting environment where junior attorneys can flourish. Our clients benefit from the unmatched experience of our senior attorneys and the sophisticated skillset of our juniors.

CHALLENGES FACING THE INDUSTRY: While video conferencing has allowed courts to reopen and businesses to resume operations, it does hinder the learning process for junior attorneys who have never experienced in-person mediations, depositions and trials. Other challenges I’ve personally experienced involve plaintiffs who don’t have a computer or strong connectivity, as well as having difficultly reading the facial expressions of witnesses or experts who are required to wear masks during in-person meetings.

FIRST EXPERIENCE IN THE INDUSTRY JOB MARKET: As a registered nurse and lawyer, my first job out of law school was with a small medical malpractice law firm, where within eight months of joining, I was assigned to three high-exposure OBGYN med malpractice trials. Being a nurse brings a skillset to the law that benefits our clients. In addition to the obvious advantages in medical malpractice cases, I also am able to understand medical records and when evidence or testimony presented doesn’t make sense. I also worked in an emergency room, so I am able to remain calm under extreme pressure.

ADVICE: Get as much experience in different areas of the law so you find your place. Take different types of CLEs to learn about various aspects of the law and sit in on trials. The more you know, the more likely you are to find your passion.

OUTSIDE THE INDUSTRY, A DREAM JOB: I love renovating homes. I am DIY all the way. In fact, I oversaw the build-out of our offices, which incorporated many of my suggestions.

COLLEGE MAJOR: Bachelor of Science in nursing

LOOKING FORWARD TO: I am looking forward to being a disrupter. My partners and I are committed to creating a model for the post-pandemic law firm. We have the most advanced technology, are dog-friendly, have e-bikes to take to court or other local venues, to name of few differentiators. We are also using a hoteling approach to office tenancy, which consulting firms have been using for years. We want to foster a culture that demands excellence and fun.

FAVOURITE MEAL: Filet mignon

BOOK: I don’t have one, but I enjoy autobiographies.

HOBBIES: Snow skiing

TV SHOW: “Ozarks”

ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON: When I am not working on a Saturday, my husband and I ride our e-bikes into town.
